Vitamins, Enzymes, Energy, Caffeine, Designer Names-–what more could people do to screw around with bottled water that hasn’t already been tried twice and succeeded once?
Well, if you’re Fred, you can give the seemingly flavorless and colorless liquid a personality. Instead of tinkering with the product, Fred’s stroke-of-genius was changing the packaging from the standard chunky and round to an eye-catching sleek and flask-like.
Now not only does this water slide sexily into the back pocket of jeans, but it overflows with attitude. It even has its own blog and MySpace page(!).
Coming up next--Fred gets married (a female-shaped bottle), has kids (mini-bottles) and buys a home (a case featuring all three different bottle-types).
Then, he cheats on the wife (slinkier female-shaped bottle), and is sued for divorce by Heather Mills' lawyer (huge honking jug).
Then he...jeez, who poured vodka in my Fred?