Anand V. Chhatpar is a very bright guy.
Taking James Surowiecki's concept of "the wisdom of crowds" one step further by refining his crowd to be North America's most creative college students, Anand has formed a company called BrainReactions, which brainstorms new ideas for Fortune 1000 companies.
He just launched a quarterly emagazine--which looks suspiciously like a blog, but I digress--entitled BrainWaves, described as "about coming up with good, actionable ideas, along with a bit of fun about ideation." Took a quick look before heading out to a dinner last night and was quite impressed; a pretty decent and uplifting read.
Given his impressive past and his mega-melding of the minds, you know that Anand and co. ain't gonna be satisfied with the same old same old, so...
Go ahead Anand--Pow! us.