Off to New York for the weekend, so I'll leave you in the hands of a great FOP (that's "Friend of Pow!" for all you non-FOPs) Jean-Francois Garneau, who sends along this culture clash of cleanliness:
Hi Andy,
Ever since I read your "Words that don't travel" post on your blog, I have been quietly chuckling every time I thought of "Slutspurt". It stayed with me. I used the word in a few presentations since then. It breaks the ice nicely ! Even writing this, it makes me smile.
That's why when I saw this box of detergent powder (see left) I couldn't resist buying it ! This is definitely a brand that doesn't travel!
The detergent is available right here in Montreal at Marché Akhavan on Sherbrooke West.
Please note also the side of the box, which may not be readable on my photo, states :"Barf will get your clothes amazingly clean.
To obtain best results of Barf, particularly on very dirty clothes, proceed as follows : soak the clothes in a solution of Barf for a few hours or preferably overnight and then wash as usual.
Use Barf for washing woolen polyester, cottons and fine fabrics. Barf is safe for all washable fabrics."
Can't make this stuff up.
J-F Garneau
p.s. Big fan of the blog.
So lemme see...toss in the whites and they come out brownish with chunks? Uh, I'll stick with Tide and Bounce, thank you.
May be livebogging via the Berry over the weekend. If not, speak to y'all Tuesday or so.