This is dopey and more of a confession than the usual astute commentary you are used to getting here, but the one Surprise I truly hate is one having to do with weather.
When I travel (and doin' what I do at Airborne, that is quite often), I obsessively check not one, but three weather sites and take a weighted triangular average to decide what clothes to bring along with me.
When I pack correctly, I am happy. When I don't, I am not.
As insane as it sounds, I would rather be prepared for rain and face rain than have sun and bring a raincoat along for nothing.
I tell you this only because yesterday it called for rain here, and I debated whether or not I should drive my summer convertible to the office.
I decided against it, and waited all day for the showers to come.
When they didn't, I was bummed, despite how warm and pleasant it was outside. A "Vette Day" wasted. (Okay, in full disclosure, it did drizzle, for about 40 seconds, at about 9:00 p.m., but not even enough to make me raise my white soft-top...HAD I been driving the convertible in the first place!)
I tell you all this because I don't think I am unique.
I think there are plenty of us out there who sometimes place being "Right" in a situation above the best outcome of the situation itself.
This sometimes leads to wars, loss of lives, loss of jobs, bankruptcies, divorces...all sorts of fun stuff.
Luckily, I know how to stop at raincoats and rag-tops.
Uh, I hope... ;)