At the risk of being All Dan Ward, All The Time!, I pass along this news because of the effect of my devious hand within it.
About a month ago, my blogging buddy Dan wrote me the following:
I'm looking for some cool (i.e. inexpensive but effective) ways to spread the word about my latest book, The Simplicity Cycle. I know, that's what everyone is looking for... but I was wondering if you have any ideas or suggestions, particularly of the Surprising variety.
I'm already blogging about it, giving away the PDF version for free, pursuing some trade pubs…but I suspect that's all the obvious stuff... and I was hoping you might have a thought or idea for me...
Being in the midst of Airborne and Just For Laughs madness, I didn't give it much thought. But sure enough, in the midst of a drive to a cousin's wedding, the following mad idea of "Reverse Shoplifting" invaded my mind, and I wrote Dan back:
How many hard copies do you have? Take a bunch, put a sticker on them saying something like "Here's a Simple offer. Take this book home. IT'S FREE!! All I ask in return is that you blog about it!" and leave it in the business sections of big bookstores.
This will create buzz, perhaps even scandal, but lemme tell you, it will spread the word.
Well, gotta give Dan credit. He has cannonball cojones, and decided to take the plunge. As we speak, a team of equally daring friends, including Gabe Mounce, Eric Hoelmer, Chris Quaid, Trevor Gay and Dave Hurd are sneaking into bookstores in England, New York, L.A., Las Vegas and Washington D.C. to plant Dan's giveaways.
Stories of reverse shoplifting and other mayhem to come (I hope!), but with this post, I have accomplished two things:
- Earned my own copy of The Simplicity Cycle
- Established the Pow! Marketing Schemes & Dreams Consultancy
Alright...who's next? ;)