Brian Grazer. Co-founder of Imagine Entertainment with Ron Howard. Brilliant film and TV producer, but never figured him for a Surprise marketer.
However, a recent piece in the New York Times shows that he's a sneaky little bugger, and a master at the game. To wit:
LOS ANGELES (NYT)— Brian Grazer, one of the most successful producers in Hollywood, would seem to be a memorable guest, with his energetic manner and elaborately spiked hair. But to make sure he is not forgotten, he will often leave behind a small photo of himself in an inexpensive heart-shaped frame after attending a dinner or party, hiding it among his host’s family photographs.
Over the years, he has left these photos at the homes of movie executives, socialites and even one in Fidel Castro's military compound. “When I first started doing it, some people got really angry,” Mr. Grazer recalled. “That made me continue doing it. I get to see how long it takes for them to find it and whether they think it’s funny. It’s interesting to see what they’ll do with it.”
A notorious practical joker, Garner printed golf balls, emblazoned with our company's notorious Fupp Duck mascot, our phone number, and the message "Generous Reward If Found." Well, we gave these out to every client and at every trade show, and played with them (and in my case, very poorly) at every charity tournament.
This was nine years ago, and we still get calls from people who find them in some rough or drag them out of some swamp. The Surprises are numerous, particularly when they learn that there is no real reward other than the joke of finding 'em.
TheFunniest may be long gone, but its spirit lives on! I think I'll send a dozen over to Brian Grazer...