The final installment of the immutable trio I call "The Questions" is the series' simplest...yet most profound.
You see, you can answer the other two majestically, and still fall flat in making them real by falling flat on this closer. As business and/or life success goes, Question #3 is "The Last Mile," the difference between thinking or doing, between mere conception and gritty delivery. This is the one you ask yourself while staring at your reflection in the mirror. To wit:
This is the simple choice between doing what you want to do, or doing what you have to do. It's working the weekend vs. another visit to the mall. It's going to the gym vs. sleeping in. It's ordering the grilled trout and vegetables vs. the smothered steak and fries. It's doing homework with your kids vs. watching the game on TV.
You get the drill. And believe me, you know the question.
The tough part is the answer.
This is what separates the victory laps from the starting line stalls, the satisfaction of "did" from the excuse of "could've." As my business partner Garner is oft to point out: "Ideas are cheap. Execution is invaluable."
Let's face it, sometimes you may not want it that badly. And that's fine if that's your answer. Your prerogative.
But don't lie to yourself when it comes to Question #3. Don't answer "Really bad!" yet live "I don't really care."
You know all the clichés about inspiration and perspiration, about the harder you work the luckier you get.
If you've gotten as far as Question #3, answer it truthfully.
And then move on.
So there we go. Three ephemeral blog posts? Or the basis, the foundation for my next book, speech or movement?
Guess it depends...
On how bad I want it.
Question #2: Is this worth that?
Question #3: How bad do you want it?