When I was a boy...okay maybe not that young, but as a voracious reader of business books, I would turn to the recommendations at 800 CEO-Read to help me cut through the clutter.
Re-titled "Jack Covert Selects" (after the President and founder of the very specialized professional site/service), it's the place that turned me onto everything from Seth Godin's Purple Cow back in 2003 (and where I purchased a copy in a milk carton, if memory serves correctly), and Mark Stevens' "Your Marketing Sucks" all the way to both "Unstuck" and "Made To Stick." It's where I was introduced to Marcus Buckingham, Dan Pink, Alex Wipperwurth and Jeffrey Gitomer.
So here's the point--imagine how I felt when Pow! was honored this week as one of this month's "Jack Covert Selects." Lemme tell you, it's like the kid who grew up watching his idols play ball or hockey...and then gets to play beside them in the same stadium.
I can live with quotes like:
"Andy Nulman, the king of Surprise, has succeeded in writing a book full
of ideas that every organization can find value in.
"[He] has the tools, knowledge and experience to show business owners, marketers, and organizations how to create practical and effective communication."
"Each chapter ends with a clever summary of the important takeaways, leaving readers eager to move onto the next lesson."
Whew! You can read the whole review by clicking here.
Or you can have it read to you by calling my Dad.