Apologies apologies to faithful FOPs who've been wondering, asking, pondering why my consistent from the start, break-neck pace of AT LEAST four posts per week has been slowed down to a molasses-like trickle over the past month or so.
Well, there is a reason. Three of them in fact.
1) First and foremost are changes that have gone on at my company Airborne Mobile. My biz partner Garner and I are putting the final touches on a Management Buy-Out of the company's shares from Cybird Holdings in Japan. Not only was this process lengthy and detailed, but the ensuring restructuring of Airborne into two lean-and-mean business units, as well as the forward planning process made it hard to concentrate on much anything else over the past little while.
2) Secondly, I've been kinda stealth about this, but with less than 10,000 words to go and some fine feedback from the folks over at Wiley Publishing in Hoboken, N.J., I think it's time to tell you: I've been spending every weekend and most of my nights pounding out Pow! Right Between The Eyes--THE BOOK! and my drop-deadline is August 1, so... It's going to be one of Wiley's featured 2009 business titles when it comes out in February of next year. Given that--at over 200 years old--Wiley is one of the oldest publishing houses in the world, and that my stablemates include management guru Patrick Lencioni, the legendary Jack Trout (of "Positioning" fame) and all the For Dummies books, well, I think I'm amongst some mighty fine company. (Yeah, yeah, I know..."what are you doing here?")
3) Last, and certainly not least, are some personal family issues that, while certainly difficult, I hope to be over with soon.
So, all that said, I've decided to open the door to my life a whole lot wider. Finally, there will actually be a reason to follow me on Twitter, as I plan to Tweet about the excitement, challenges, trials and tribulations of starting a business again (as we say around here, "Airborne is Reborn"). Here's where to find me:
Starting in October or so, at the urging of my son Aidan, there will be a second Twitter feed about the marketing of Pow! Right Between The Eyes--The Book, which will give you the insight into what it's like to launch a major market/major publisher book. Surprises galore I'm sure.
On both these feeds, you'll follow me into meetings, conferences, backstage at speaking engagements, client pitches and creative sessions. If nothing else, it'll be an entertaining look inside the mind of a busy man changing his life and making things work...or at least, trying to. Call it "Starting Over From Square 2."
So there you have it. Yes, lots more Pow! posts to come right here. But it'll be a little while before I pick up the pace again. As you see, I've kinda got my hands full.
Thanks for understanding. And for joining me for the journey.